HAIR LOSS & THINNING One of the best comforts you can have when life brings you traumatic experiences is to know that you are not alone. Hair loss in women is not as socially acceptable as hair loss in men. Like so, women's anxiety, fear, confusion and feelings of helplessness can be exponentially higher than men's. Many women are now, increasingly, experiencing hair loss/thinning more ever. The common questions asked is: "What can I do? Why is it happening? or How can I make my hair grow again?" While there is no cure for hair loss, there are ways to encourage healthy hair growth, thickness and luminosity. Before I go on describing what you can do to make your hair beautiful and strong, it is important to consider what are some of the factors that may cause hair loss and damage to the follicle. According to the Mayo Clinic, we shed about 50-150 hair strands daily. Our head holds over 100,000 strands. If you start noticing unusual hair loss and/or d...
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